Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Renaissance of thought

The thought process is a beautiful thing.

Information inputs, transformed by education, experience, intellect and instinct produces analysis and conclusions. Governed by an innovative process of delivery and a dash of six sigma........

That's what they pay management consultants the big $$$ for.

Wanna see my yoga mat?

Remember this article in Time magazine about Anwar Ibrahim in 1998?
Remember that and look at the man he has become now.

Remember what Dr.M did?
Remember that and take it with you into the voting booth next election.
Never again.
Humans forget too easily.
Human nature produces fear and inertia-

A word of advice: trust the process.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Growing pains of two varieties.

I've been visiting many a Malaysian political blog these days.
It's wonderful to see the fire in the eyes of these intelligent Malaysians- especially in those people who will one day rule the country. There is something to be said about leaders like Anwar Ibrahim, who endured incarceration, yet maintained his dignity, especially when facing international press. And Lim Guan Eng- who also faced his darkest moments when his wife and child visited him in jail, according to an interview with TV Smith.

I wonder how the present leaders would fare like under adversity? Who do you think looks like a spoilt, cushy, dough-boy type who would crumble into a snivelling mess? If anyone wants to avoid having this as your next leader, then you know where to put your vote.

Are there any Nelson Mandela's in our present leadership line-up?

To me, Malaysia is about ideals. About the usual vision, mission and values. And I think Malaysia has always been great at long-term strategies. NEP, OPP etc. you name it, they've got it. But every strategy needs to be reformulated as the needs of the stakeholders change. The people DO speak- you can hear them. Since that has been ignored, it's become only strategy for strategy's sake.

And unfortunately, the BN (I'm not about to blame one lone scapegoat for the sins of the entire political system- but some leaders are more to blame than others- Especially those who have had many years, yet little regrets- touche?) culls its bright young leaders for strategic fit and leaves those who specialize in ass-kissing politics. Sorry but true- you know it is.


Most newborn Malaysian babies get to have a shaved head. That's the adat in those neck of the woods. I admit I didn't do it because I er, just plain forgot. :P
The two grandmothers who are here have decided that it's not too late.
My home has turned into a cultural battleground.

So, both my mother (pro-shave camp) and mother in law (anti-shave camp) took hold of my little girl and had a discussion over tea:

MyMum: There's a reason why people have been doing it for generations......
M-I-L: These days, most people skip the tradition. There's no reason to do it lah!
MyMum: If you shave, the hair will grow back thicker.
M-I-L: No lah! How can the amount of hair just increase by making it shorter.
MyMum: The actual hair itself will be thicker because shorter hair takes less nourishment.
M-I-L: So, more nourishment will be received by each hair, is it?
MyMum: Ya, so each strand of hair will be thicker.
M-I-L: Ooooo, like that....

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Pak Lah, RPK, the old guy and the neanderthal

Oh man. There is not one ounce of hope or confidence left in our PM, huh?
He hasn't got it easy. We knew whoever took over after him was going to be a scapegoat no matter what.

Yes- he's weak.
As a leader, he has let his DPM run wild in Dr M's garden of dirty sordid fairy-tale scandals. And he can't just turn to Najib the Neanderthal and say "You're fired." because he needs to keep this alliance alive if he's going to have any support from the UMNO ass-embly.
That's disappointing from someone whom I can say is actually a good person.

At least he won't be hated. I just headed over to the old guy's blog. It's inching closer to 5 million hits (not that he needs to make any money out of it, after 30 years of screwing with our minds)- I read the comments section because I want to know who reads the drivel that is his opinion.
The seemingly educated comments were largely: "Wake up to yourself."
The seemingly uneducated comments were largely: blah "tokoh negara" blah blah "hidup Dr M"
And those that sounded educated but pro-Dr M were probably ingratiated/ related to him. Touche?
The old guy is actually a good human being, too, if I do say so myself. But he's stuck in a mental model that's outdated. And he's old. And stubborn.

I also headed over and saw what RPK's mission was: he's taking Najib down with him. Really? Promise? Pinky-swear?

That would be a service to the beautiful, prosperous land bursting with potential that once was Malaysia, now known as the laughing stock that is Bolehland.

No one wants to do the dirty work of taking the trash out, not even the PM.

Sleep. I need sleep.

I think I'm having hallucinations. I had a conversation with my mother in the kitchen without realizing no one was there. Eeek.

My little baby girl is not a great sleeper, unfortunately. :(