None of that skim decaf soy latte shit, please.
If you were in New York, would you drink coffee at Starbucks or would you go to Dean & Deluca?
A wog friend of mine says "Good coffee is only made by wogs." I tend to agree with this tabouleh brother.
The next time you see your friendly neighbourhood barrista, check out his eyebrows. Do they join in the middle? If they do, that is usually a good sign.
Bankstown in Sydney has a sizeable muslim community. Faroukh el Bahsa's is famous for their baklava, but they also have the best coffee.
It'll make your eyeballs bug out. Heh.
But when in Malaysia, do drink that fabulous teh tarik.
It's wonderful stuff. It's honest and unpretentious.
Anyone who says they love the coffee at those ice blended, frothed, whipped creamed , cocoa dusted concoction joints are posseurs who like just hanging out at there with your crew. It's good if you can admit to that. Nothing wrong with that.
Don't tell me anyone prefers to study at a noisy place where you have to be quasi trendy with one or two ice blendeds instead of a quiet environment where you can maximise your concentration? Ah. I MUST be getting old. Or very pragmatic. Or spaced out.
The theory on why people drink coffee (supposedly bad for you) instead of tea (supposedly good for you) is presumably the same theory why women go for bad, dangerous boys.
Hey Mom, why didn't you warn me?
'Cause about boys there's something I should have known,
They're like chocolate cake, like cigarettes,
I know they're bad for me but I just can't leave 'em alone.
Lyrics from Bachelor Girl's "Buses & Trains".
and that is why we men try to be as bad and dangerous as we can be.
I actually like iceblended crap.. Oh, and I go to coffeebean/starbucks to bird watch haha.. I am shallow, I know.. =P
roadie: Speaking of dangerous, have you walked on the wild side and cycled thru KL's traffic? :P
uh-mir: Hey, at least you're honest about it :) I know I watch as well. ;9 Heh
i used to cycle to Jalan Sultan Ismail from taman tun @ aroun 12am-4am in the morning every sat during fasting month. u get to mix it with mat rempits, drunk drivers, drugged up drivers and sexually frustrated drivers.
There was once, I could only study in silent places, nowadays if there was no noise I could not study. I was afraid of noise then, and I am afraid of silence now, it is not easy at all.
There was once, I could only study in silent places, nowadays if there was no noise I could not study. I was afraid of noise then, and I am afraid of silence now, it is not easy at all.
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